Early this month I was contemplating what I would design for a benefit that I was cohosting. I suggested a lush bouquet of “Free Spirit” roses which was enthusiastically embraced.
A day later, while perusing the plant display at East Coast Flowers. I happened upon these beauties: “Blue Zebra” Primlet primroses, a spectacular variety that I had only known in 19th century British botanical prints. I bought 4 mixed flats to have all of these extraordinary plants.
Back at my studio I decided that these primroses would be perfect, combined with a variety of mosses and cut Pussywillows, to herald Spring for one of my retirement community clients.

In the meantime I sent the close up photo to a number of friends, including my co-host, who immediately responded back with. “Why can’t we have these on the buffet table?” I said, “ We can! I have made up 10 dish gardens with them. When I deinstall them, I will bring one of the large basins home and shoot a photo of it on the dining room.”